Reading The Tea Leaves
You've heard people talk about 'reading the tea leaves' The practice of reading tea leaves is popular in England and Scotland. The tea leaves are read to tell the future using a well established group of symbols that have been developed over hundreds of years.
How are the tea leaves read? The person who wishes to have his fortune told drinks his cup of tea with the tea leaves loose in the bottom. He drinks all but about a half a teaspoon of the tea. The tea reader then swirls the teacup with the cup in her left hand, three times, spreading out the loose tea leaves in the bottom of the cup. Then she carefully inverts the teacup over the saucer, leaving it there for a minute to completely drain the rest of the liquid. Then, the leaves are read.
The best type of tea to read tea leaves? Chinese tea, like Trenton Tea's Keemun Mao Feng Black Tea. It's one of the best Chinese teas you can find. Even if you don't believe in reading the tea leaves, it makes an enjoyable bold and flavorful cup of tea.